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January 1

Prompt: Goals you have for this year

My new year's resolutions:

Keep up with this blog

Drink more water

Stop biting nails (gross habit, I know)

Self reflect more

Make self-care a priority

Eat healthier

Read Bible everyday

Get more sleep

(Re)watch all of the good Star Wars TV shows

Why I chose these:

Keep up with this blog- I feel like I will grow  as a stronger writer. I also feel like I will get to know myself a lot better. This will hold me much more accountable than keeping it in a journal, because I know others will be seeing it. It is still personal to me though. 

Drink more water: I feel like this is something that everyone can work on. I don't drink near the 8oz of water that is recomended for the average person. I don't really drink much other than water, I just don't drink much, which can lead to dehydration, so I definetly need to work on it. 

Stop Biting nails: This is something I have grown up doing, and I really want to stop. A couple of months ago, I was able to quit for about 3 weeks. My nails looked great and I felt great about myself. One thing lead to another, anxiety built up, and one fateful night, my habit took back over. I want to stop biting them once and for all and I decided 2020 would be the perfect time to do it. 

Self reflect more- I feel like I do not take time to self reflect, to think about my life and to figure out what the heck I am doing. I should do that more 😂

Make self-care a priority-  I do not take enough time for myself and to really take care of myself. I spend so much time researching random things and doing homework and being stressed, that a lot of times I don't actually take time for myself  and time to really take care of myself (this entire explination was really redundant lol sorry). 

Eat healthier- I feel like this one is a given.

Read my Bible everyday- I feel like this is something every Christian should try to do, not because they have to, but because that is how you truly grow in your walk with Christ. How are you supposed to make a plant grow if you are not watering it?

Get more sleep- I do not sleep enough for some one my age and it has really affected my mental and physical health. Lately I have been agveraging 4-5 hours of sleep which is horrible for me. My lack of sleep has been a result of my anxiety, which has only been hightened because of my lack of sleep.

Watch all of the good star wars tv shows- *coughs* clone wars, star wars rebels.... need I say more???

Thank you for visiting my blog and God Bless!!

Happy 2020!


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