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January 15

Prompt: What makes you unique?

I didn't really know what to put for this, so I asked my best friend. She said to write down things that make me... me. Here you go:

I want to purse wildlife biology and conservation.
I want to go to Australia.
I am a first soprano.
I love to sing, dance, and act.
I love musical theater.
I play ten insturments.
I love music.
My favorite band is Linkin Park and my favorite musical is Bettlejuice.
I am an INFJ. I am part Irish, Scottish, English, French, Norweigan, and Cherokee Indian.
I have ice blue eyes and light brown hair.
I am very pale.
I have the best friends in the world.
My favorite board game is RISK.
My recieveing love language is quality time and my giving love language is Acts of Service.
I love Star Wars.
I am a writer. I wrote a novel.
I am a Hufflepuff.
My second house is Ravenclaw.


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