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January 5

Prompt: Dear Future Me...

Dear Future Me,

I hope that this year has treated you well. I hope that you have learned to prioritize what is actually important in your life. I hope that you have grown in your walk with Christ. I hope that you have grown in your relationships with the people you love. I hope that you have become confiedent in yourself, but not to the point of arrogance. I hope that you have grown as a musician. I hope that you have learned to tell a few people what is going on in your life instead of being stupid enough to keep your feelings to yourself. I hope that you achive what you actually can in school, instead of not putting much energy into it. I know that you can achive far more. I hope you stop pprocrastinating so much and I hope that you realise just how many people care about you. I hope that you have learned to tell people when they mean something to you instead of being to scared to say hello to them. I hope that this year has been good to you and that you have been good to it. Nothing will get better if you don't help it. Time goes by quickly. Don't forget that. 


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