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Showing posts from January, 2020

January 27

Prompt: Are you the same way you thought you would be when you were a kid? I am really not. When I was a little kid, I thought I would be this really outgoing extraverted person... haha. I'm an INFJ. 

January 25

Prompt: Your saddest memory... I think my saddest memory is when I was 10. It was the day after Easter and I hadn't seen my parents for a few days. My granny had been in the hospital for about a week, so I had been staying with my other grandmother while my parents stayed in the hospital with her. We had met my parents at a Burger King to go back with them. I was sitting in the car and I hadn't been told any news about my granny. I looked at my dad, he started crying and that was when I knew she was gone. 

January 21

Prompt: What's your favorite time of day? My favorite time of day is actually night. I love when the world is entirely silent, aside from the random chirp of a cricket or the wind ocasionally rustling a few leaves. There is something so calm and personal about it. 

January 20

Prompt: What do you envy? I envy people who are able to do what they love every day. I would give anything to be working with animals all of the time.             

January 17

Prompt: What was your first memory? My first memory is very vauge, but I rmember running around the porch at my grandma's house and laughing as my grandfather caught me and picked me up laughing. I was about 2 years old I think. Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!! Check out my main blog  here .

January 16

Prompt: Your three favorite TV shows Welp I literally only watch one, so I will include soem old favorites. My hands down favorite, which I am currently watching: Crikey! It's the Iriwns 2. Boy Meets World 3. The Suite Life of Zac and Cody (Haha binge watched this show as soon as I got Disney Plus)

January 15

Prompt: What makes you unique? I didn't really know what to put for this, so I asked my best friend. She said to write down things that make me... me. Here you go: I want to purse wildlife biology and conservation. I want to go to Australia. I am a first soprano. I love to sing, dance, and act. I love musical theater. I play ten insturments. I love music. My favorite band is Linkin Park and my favorite musical is Bettlejuice. I am an INFJ. I am part Irish, Scottish, English, French, Norweigan, and Cherokee Indian. I have ice blue eyes and light brown hair. I am very pale. I have the best friends in the world. My favorite board game is RISK. My recieveing love language is quality time and my giving love language is Acts of Service. I love Star Wars. I am a writer. I wrote a novel. I am a Hufflepuff. My second house is Ravenclaw.

January 13

Prompt: What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail I would give myself the power to manipulate probibility. I don't know if giving yourself a superpower really works for this, but I would I guess. I saw this on a Pinterest post and ever since, I have though about what I would do with this power. The chance that all critically endangered animals will all of a sudden bounce back? -100% The chance that everyone will have three nourishing meals a day? -100% The chance that everyone in the world would come to Christ? -100% The chance that my soulmate will be the next person to come talk to me? -100% See, the posibilities are endless 😂

January 12

Prompt: Your first dance The first dance I remember having was with my dad when I was really little to the song, Butterfly Kisses. This has been our song my entire life and it still never fails to make me cry. Every year we would go to this daddy daughter dance. We went for 12 years until my dad moved and I grew over the age limit. I really miss that dance. 

January 11

Prompt: What was your favorite toy as a child?  My first Easter, about 2 months or so after I was born, my granny gave me a plush rabbit, which with her help I named Betsey. She has been my favorite stuffed animal for my entire life and has been through a lot with me. 

January 10

Prompt: If you could have dinner with anyone alive, who would it be? I would probably have dinner with Terri Irwin. I mentioned this in a previous post, but she is the person I most admire. I would absolutely love to have dinner with her, or actually any meal haha. 

January 8

Prompt: Something you Feel Guilty about She's gone.  And I never got to tell her goodbye. She was one of my closest allies, And now she's gone away. I remember her beautiful smile, How she could always give it away to someone else. She was one of the kindest souls that has ever blessed this earth.  I know that she knew How close I felt we were. I'm sure she felt the same, But I never truly knew for sure. I remember getting told,  On that fateful crisp srping day, That something had happened, And she could  possibly  go away. I was young, and I was a child, I didn't understand, How taking her Could ever be apart of His plan. A few years went by, She was still here. The treatments made her forget them and me, Which was the thing that I had most feared.  *** It was a rainy April day, and I was sitting in my fifth grade classroom. I remember a teacher walking in and telling us that she had finally passed away. One of my closest friends was

January 6

Prompt: How do you keep a good additude in the mitst of the Winter gloom? Sometimes, I dont do a very good job at this. I am not naturally an optomist, I am more of a realist/visionary. I think that being with the ones you love helps, but also you need to take time for yourself if that is how you get your energy. Your mental health is very important and I think that taking care of yourself does help improve your mood. One thing that helps me though, is helping other people. My grandmother told me that when I was going through some really rough times, and I always try to remember that when I am struggling. I would just say take care of yourself, help others, and enjoy the season 😊

January 5

Prompt: Dear Future Me... Dear Future Me, I hope that this year has treated you well. I hope that you have learned to prioritize what is actually important in your life. I hope that you have grown in your walk with Christ. I hope that you have grown in your relationships with the people you love. I hope that you have become confiedent in yourself, but not to the point of arrogance. I hope that you have grown as a musician. I hope that you have learned to tell a few people what is going on in your life instead of being stupid enough to keep your feelings to yourself. I hope that you achive what you actually can in school, instead of not putting much energy into it. I know that you can achive far more. I hope you stop pprocrastinating so much and I hope that you realise just how many people care about you. I hope that you have learned to tell people when they mean something to you instead of being to scared to say hello to them. I hope that this year has been good to you and that you

January 4

Prompt: The people you most admire... I would definetly say for people I know, honestly it would be my mom dad step-mom granny grandma granddaddy pawpaw memeaw teacher, Mrs. Thomas. I have very specific reasons for each of those people, but I think I will elaborate on someone who I do not know personally. I think for people I do not know, it would definetly be Terri Irwin . I am a HUGE fan of the Irwins (I want to go into the field of wildlife biology and I look up to all of them). I admire her because of her love and her passion for wildlife. She also has been through so much, including the death of Steve, and she still manages to keep a positive out look on life and run one of the largest zoological facilities on earth. I hope to one day make even a eighth of the impact that both she and her family have made. She has done a wonderful job raising her two kids, Robert and Bindi as a single mother. I just love her so much 😊.

January 3

Prompt: Do you believe in soul mates? I believe that we all have someone that we are destined to be with. I think that God has decided who we are to marry and who we are to be with, who we are to grow old with. I don't know if I have met mine, but I know I will hopefully find out in due time. 

January 2

Prompt: Choose a word for this year. I decided to pick a few different words for the different areas of my life.  enigma- (n). a person or thing which is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.  abenderot- (n). the color of the sky when the sun is setting abditory- (n). a place into which you can dissapear, a hiding place. opia- (n). the ambiguious intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simontaniously invasive and vunerable.  chrysalism- ( n). the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm, listening to waves of rain pattering against the roof like an argument upstairs, whose muffled words are unintelligible but whose crackling release of built-up tension you understand perfectly. liberosis- (n). the desire to care less about something. occhiolism- (n).  the awareness of the smallness of your perspective in the grandness of the vast scope of the Universe.